The Mantra OM has a purifying effect and helps the consciousness shift to a higher level..... Every time you refrain una holesome action, the connection with your higher soul increaes............ By regularly chanting the mantra OM, it is possible to Purity the incarnated soul, thereby resulting in union with the higher soul....

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Think !

Think before reacting emotionally !
Think before Speaking !
Think before acting !
Think before buying !
Think before joining a group !
Think before giving into group pressure !
Think before investing !
Think about your purpose in life !
Think about your target !
Think about your parents !
Think about what your parents have made for you !
It is because of thi, children and some people are hopelessly ingrates !
If you are too gentle you will not shock them out of their complacency.
By the time you wake up, your life will pass you by.
If I don't shock you by the time you wake up
you will be jobless, poor and homeless !
Wake up !
To live life without a purpose is to live life on
a yacht ............................ difting.
Inevitable drifting will lead you to starve to death.
Think !
To live life without a purpose is like flying
a plane without a direction !
It will run out of fuel and crash with you in it !
Think before having a sexual relationship
Think who you are going to marry !
Is the person responsible ?
Does the person have emotional control ?
Does the person spend money wisely ?
If a person spends without thinking your
partner will lead you into perpetual debt
No car
No House
No Money
No Future
Thing before you mayy
Thing my dear friend Think !
                                          ................................................ Master Choa Kok Sui.