The Mantra OM has a purifying effect and helps the consciousness shift to a higher level..... Every time you refrain una holesome action, the connection with your higher soul increaes............ By regularly chanting the mantra OM, it is possible to Purity the incarnated soul, thereby resulting in union with the higher soul....

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Founder and Guru of Modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga

Founder and Guru of Modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga

Master Choa Kok Sui is not just the Modern Founder of Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga. Master Chjoa Kok Sui (MCKS) is one of the most accomplished Masters of Energy of our generation. With great dedication and tenacity. He committed his life to serving a Mission of compassion and Mercy, thereby uplifting the human spirit and opening a realm of almost unlimited possibility to his students.

           An inspiring Spiritual Teacher, humanitarian and philanthropist MCKS leads us both by his example, and through his legacy of writings and Teachings.

          MCKS begins his teachings with Pranic Healing and healing the human body. This is the personal energy system we understand the best. So the body becomes the starting point because it is a universal point of reference.

           Through the formulation and compilation of the Pranic Healing System, Master Choa Kok Sui transmits simple knowledge into the minds of average people. 

           From within a few hourse to two days, the transformational technology of Pranic Healing begins to empowe and enable the student to rapidly increase their self-confidence. This is due to the immediate development of the ability produce positive measurable results.

          From this point forward, the practitioner begins to shift their old patterns of thinking intoa higher gear. From feeling "helpless" before the vicissitudes of life. The student learns to transform, adpt & change energise that are affecting various situations in their lives and the personality of the practitioner becomes gradually empowered.

        The student become filled with confidence through the knowledge and belief that even they as a soul, as one of the smallest points of light in the Universe- can alter subtle and even they - as a Soul, as one of the smallest points of light in the Universe - can alter subtle and even physical matter - materially, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

        An unfolding occurs when people begin to utilize the "Simple to Use, Easy to Follow" Teachings of MCKS. Practitioners learn to believe more strongly in themselves when they start to use Pranic Healing. This is because they learn how to create a reorganization of various kinds of matter - transforming it from one state to another state - and they rapidly grasp that this solid energy technology will consistently enable them to reproduce results.

         Master Choa Kok Sui brings us a systematic approach, which is both real and measurable. In bodies that are sick, there is a modification of energy factors that improve the absorption capabilities of body to assimilate more energy. this also assists in balancing and harmonizing the patient's life in general.

        One interesting factor that occurs when studying Pranic Healing and the other Teaching of MCKS is a remarkable shift in Consciousness that allows a person to rise up to of their self-imposed restrictions, so as to manifest the greatness of their potentiality, to "Manifest their Greatness". This occurs through simple applications of energy which allow people to transform their lives in ways they previously thought to be impossible. 

       The reader will begin to grasp that almost all human beings of a certain degree of intelligence, love & willpower, possess the ability to change not only themselves - physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually - but also the world in which we live.

         Through fulfilling the "Great Vision" of Master Choa Kok Sui, to have one Pranic Healer in every household, rapid acceleration of the rate of healing in the human body is only one result. More profound will be the uplifiting of Global Consciousness. It is this categorical shift in perception that will prepare mankind for the coming Golden Age.

         In the Service of Master Choa Kok Sui,
         With Loving Blessings to All,
         We are together at His Lotus Feet.

Thank You

Courtesy with
Charlotte Anderson
New Delhi, India.

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