The Mantra OM has a purifying effect and helps the consciousness shift to a higher level..... Every time you refrain una holesome action, the connection with your higher soul increaes............ By regularly chanting the mantra OM, it is possible to Purity the incarnated soul, thereby resulting in union with the higher soul....

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Holy Gurus

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Who Am I ?

Am I the body? Am I the thought? Am I the emotion? Am I the mind? Who am I? Let us do several experiments.
Move your arms. What are you doing? I AM moving my arms. What are being moved? The arms. Are you the arms? NO. Who is moving the arms? I AM. I AM is the mover, the arms are the objects being moved.
Move your legs. What are you doing? I AM moving my legs. What are being moved? The legs. Are you the legs? No. Who is moving the legs? I AM.

Move your whole body. What are you doing?  I AM moving my body. What is being moved? The body. Are you the body? No. Who is moving the body? I AM . I AM is the mover, the body is the object moved.

Imagine that the body has died. It is cremated. The ashes are thrown into the sea. What is left? I AM. This I AM is the soul. The I AM is immortal. Who are you? I AM that I AM. You are the soul. You are immortal. 

Genesis 1:26 of the Bible says, " Let us make man in our image." When God created people, He created them in His image. This has nothing to do, however, with physical characteristics. It does not mean that God looks like us with two eyes, two ears and a mouth. Being created after God's images means that a person partakes of God's Divine Essence. In John 10:34, Jesus said , " is it not written in you law, 'I have said you are gods'?" Psalm 86:6 gives the same statements : ".... You are gods. You are all children of the Most High." That is why The Lord's Prayer starts with " Our Father in heaven," not with "Jesus' Father in heaven." We are all children of God. In each Person, there is a divine essence or a divine spark. In Buddhism, there is a Buddha nature in each person. In the Christian religion, there is a Christ in each person. In Hinduism, there is a Jivatma oran incarnated soul in each person.

What is the name of this divine essence? When Moses saw the burning bush, he asked, "If the people ask me what is your name, what shall I tell them?" From within the burning bush God answered, "I AM THAT I AM." (Exodus 3:13-14) In Hebrew, this is called Eieh. In Sanskrit, this is known as So Ham or Tatwamasi. There is a universal or planetary I AM. There is a micro I AM in every person. 

Think of a car. What are you doing? I AM thinking of a car. Who is the thinker? I AM the thinker. What was created? The thought of a car. Think of an apple. What are you doing? I AM thinking of an apple. Who is the thinker? I AM the thinker. Who created the thought of an apple? The I AM created the thought to an apple. What was created? The thought of an apple. Are you the thought itself? No